DFWAE, the Association for Association Professionals 

WHO WE ARE: DFWAE is a professional society of executives and fundraisers who are focused on individual giving, corporate development, and revenue growth. Our members are staff leaders for associations and/or c3 nonprofit foundations that are affiliated with professional societies or trade groups.

WHAT WE DO: DFWAE provides the North Texas Association community with leading educational and networking events designed specifically for the needs of association professionals.

DFWAE's membership is made up of professionals who serve a variety of industries, societies, and social organizations. Collectively, we represent countless professionals throughout the state, country, and nation.

Our members contribute their skills and knowledge to advance DFWAE and exchange experiences that will benefit the Texas association industry. DFWAE exists to support and strengthen the success of association professionals and the associations they serve.

Association professionals seek to grow in their career paths, and DFWAE ensures that by hosting a wide variety of in-person events, webinars, conventions, online learning resources, and many more.

We invite you to discover what DFWAE can do for you and your career!

CAE Study Group
August 28th - November, 2024

Join your fellow DFW area association professionals in preparing for the CAE Exam! The Certified Association Executive credential does more than advance individual careers: it powers entire organizations (and the DFW community!) through a “CAE culture” that values ongoing professional development in the association management field.

The domains of the CAE exam cover all aspects of association leadership. Study Group participants review every domain in detail and discuss best practices. Working through the study materials together helps everyone separate the ideal from the everyday practice – an essential activity to pass this exam. The discussions are led by DFWAE CAEs, many of whom participated in a study group when they were prepping for the exam!

Join DFWAE for the Fall 2024 DFWAE CAE Study Group! Study sessions run from August thru November, with exam dates in December.
REGISTER NOW! Full information on the CAE examination requirements, application, and study tools can be found at https://www.asaecenter.org/programs/cae-certification.  

 DFWAE Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 

People feel a sense of belonging when differences are embraced and valued. DFWAE is dedicated to nurturing equality by creating spaces for the voices least heard, providing educational opportunities to grow leaders, instilling a greater understanding of diverse and equitable environments, and expanding opportunities to collaborate with one another to ensure DFWAE is reflective of the larger, richer community of association voices. We commit to raising awareness and cultivating an atmosphere and culture that is inclusive for all.  




DFWAE Continuing Education Webinar
August 28th, 2024, 1:00 PM
"Unrelated Business Income Traps and Tips"
Speaker: Kim Crawford, CPA, Partner @SFC, LLP
Join us to learn about various lines of unrelated business income that often impact trade associations and how to stay in compliance. If time allows, we will also talk about political expenditures and possibly review a 990 together.